Imagine a man somewhere in the woods, thousands of years back with survival as the only luxury he has!
Now think of some rich spoiled brat of the twenty-first century who owns nearly everything one can think of but hates his life because his girlfriend just ditched him!
Can we relate both the situations and conclude who is richer? Are we actually evolved or devolved? And if yes then what role did technology play in making this cycle of life vicious? Let me open to you a new dimension of thoughts and make you ponder over questions like this!
Well, I would consider technology as anything today that eases our lives.
From wheels and tools to jets and nuclear weapons, from a primitively savage age to a civilized age, look how exorbitant the progress we have made. The examples are necessary to be cited as too much indulgence in luxuries is diminishing the realization of the importance of technology, our potential, and our abilities in our lives.

Boundless Opportunities:
In this era of marketing with technology as its backbone, this is a ‘hope’, a hope that is endless and therefore there is no stopping for progress and advancement in the living standard. And with hope lies opportunities.
Now, let me remind you of our basic needs in this article. Sounds foolish! Obviously, we all know it but apart from hunger and clothing one basic need today especially in the youth I would like to add up which we barely realize and that is ‘the need for recognition.’ We are all the victims caught up by monophobia. I can see the craving for TVs and smartphones equivalent to that of food and sex.
Like the first thing, people do after waking in the morning is not to get freshen up rather they prefer checking the notifications on their smartphones. It’s not surprising that the owners of Facebook and computer software’s dating apps are among the richest people alive. People do crave social life, and technological advancements have proved to be efficient in neutralizing their cravings. For extroverts, social media is a boom and introverts have got a non-judgemental company with limitless stuff to be explored.
Also, how political life is influenced by the media, the degree is unbelievable. No one would have ever thought that the power of the press could be considered as the fourth pillar of a vast system governing the entire country. Internet activism is pacing in the entire globe, movements like feminism protests, seeking justice through hashtags is a new trend and no doubt is effective too. All thanks to the Modernization.
It is all because of technology that we not only as countrymen but as humans are connected as a family, we still feel for the ones we see or hear dying or suffering anywhere around the globe, at least that one second of sympathy within us through the medium of technology is keeping the spark of humanity alive! And that does make a difference. How perfectly we have institutionalized every sector of economy or society for making the future generations choose and pursue their goals.
I don’t think it is possible to exactly explain the extent of the umbrella of technology engulfing us but flipping the coin is equally important so let’s move on to the challenges lying ahead due to technological adaptation.

Challenges Awaiting;
The famous proverb “with great power comes great responsibility” is unfortunately famous today but not popular. With the acquisition of nuclear power and artificial intelligence we have become the most powerful creatures on the planet but to channelize the energy in the growth and only growth of humanity should be our only aim. As I have said earlier the potential in humans have done wonders with the creation of a new era of technology but the biggest Challenge awaiting us today is that “Are we the masters of our creation or the slave?”

If you just peep into the life of a common man you will see how he perceives the effect of technology, rather than being alive and awake to consciously watch the complete agglomeration of opportunities technology offers, he chooses to just doze off and walk through the path of procrastination.
Technology was always amongst us, but its magnitude of essence was realized soon after the industrial revolution. Relying on technology for the efficient and fast pace of results is important but at the same time, human potential should not go to waste or without work at any cost.
The scientific knowledge or potential of the labour will gradually decay if not engaged somewhere. The training of the body, mind, and soul of a human is equally important for creating an ideal and a revolutionary world rather than relying on machines.
Like after the industrial revolution in Britain when machines replaced humans, soon after it the world was developing with enhanced productivity but let’s not forget the instant side effects of machines becoming a substitute for humans, there were attacks in Hampshire, Yorkshire, frustrated workers destroyed the machines at a mass level, the fear of unemployment crept in and became the source for non-stopping crime rates.
Also, when the benefits of production are concentrated in the hands of some, all attempts for creating a better world just go in vain. With the rise of technology, we have given birth to ‘artificial intelligence.’ The word itself describes its drawback as when everything around us would become ‘artificial’, we would naturally become distant from what is ‘natural’.
Think of a common family, when after getting a break from its luxurious, materialistic life work, where does it go to spend its vacation or to just relax?
Obviously, any hill station or place with natural beauty would be best. But such an environment is not necessary for just alluring, but it gives us life! And that’s something we don’t realize while degrading it in our daily lives and holding a banner or post on social media showing environmental concern the next day! The horrifying aftermath of industries, chemicalization and nearly every technology we use today to the environment is self-evident. That’s why some countries have actually realized this and reaching this point of development, environmental concern is their priority amongst the goals.
Finding the best in collectivity should be our aim. The modern age of technology is a boom for all the CEOs and CFOs, but what matters is how they manage the power, are they bringing the best in their employees? Or just profit-hungry? Well, this apparatus is directed from the pinnacle of the pyramidal system.
It would be silly to underestimate the power of technology as clearly evident and it being solely responsible for making the U.S. a hegemony power. The parable for the adoption of technology is such that if a sword is given to a foolish or a wise, in the end, what depends on is does he deserve such fine power?
These challenges I have just quoted should not be considered as the drawbacks but as the Opportunities lying ahead to be tackled… Only this outlook will bring efficiency in human potential with a just distribution of opportunities, both in economic and social terms.
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