New Indian ExpressThe Indian government has been accused of ignoring the increasing need for life support services, proper health care,...
A quick turn around a cornerand my planet becomes sandon the shore of a dying Universe.A life of subordination, violence,...
What is the TRIPS Agreement? Negotiated in 1995 at the WTO, the TRIPS Agreement requires all signatory countries to sign domestic...
Myanmar, also known as Burma, is a country in South East Asia and has a population of about 54 million.The...
Politics never fails to surprise. Its dynamic nature and sheer complexity always leaves one puzzled, whether you are a novice...
From Delhi To Aligarh: Journey Of A Young Doctor Who Gave Up High Profile Job To Save His Wrecked Hometown...
Journalism doesn’t pursue truth in an absolute or philosophical sense, it presents the news in the form which is more...
Angel Next Door's Rallying Call For The War On COVID19: When Systems Betray Us, We Must Believe In Humanity. –...
J.K. Rowling the author behind the fame of Harry Potter. The book that made the whole world speculate in the...
On 6 April 1994, the airplane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda and President Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi crashed near...
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