Career in Remote Sensing in India.
When we are low or upset, all we want is to sit on our balcony and stare at the sky, right? We can stare at the moon and stars for hours. That view soothes our body and mind. We get excited when we hear something about stars, planets, and satellites.
We all had one dream once in our childhood to see the galaxy and stars revolving around different planets. With time, our technology is getting better and improving at an alarming rate. There is a term known as Remote Sensing, which helps scan the earth by satellite or high-flying aircraft to obtain information about the outer surface.
What is Remote Sensing and how’s it work?
The career infield is very potential and emerging with new expertise. It is an art of technology and science that helps measure the earth with the help of sensors. Many sensors are arranged on aeroplanes and satellites. An easy way is a special camera that collects remotely sensed images which helps researchers study more about planet Earth.
The work of remote sensors is used to collect the data in the form of images and then manipulate them for analyzing and visualizing the data. After collecting data, GIS (Geographic Information System) visualize and interpret the collected data. Remote sensing is integrated into the GIS system, which helps understand the maps, population density, weather conditions, and many things related to earthly conditions.
RS specialists also support scientists by designing and conducting data-gathering efforts. For example, they determine the best techniques, spectral band equipment, and time of day for a particular mission.
Where is it used?
RS is used by private companies massively which sell imagery and data to Google, Bing, the federal government, academic and research libraries, scientists, and others. Specialists also work at consulting firms, software development firms, and scientific laboratories, where they are expected to improve technologies, data analysis techniques, software.

They may prepare flight plans, configure sensors to apply the methods to collect data in the field, and process the resulting data. Some specialists become professors or research staff in academia, requiring a master’s degree, while tenured faculty have doctoral degrees. Many opportunities are open for GIS and Remote sensing graduate candidates.
A candidate can have a career in Remote Sensing as –
- Remote Sensing Tech Lead
- Project Fellow or assistant, Regional Manager
- Assistant Professor
- Technical Associate, Regional Manager
- GIS Executive
- Remote Sensing & GIS Software Analyst
- Remote Sensing & GIS Technical Program Manager
- GIS specialist
Candidates can apply and join –
- Government sector, which includes –
- Central Ground Water Board
- Defense Terrain Research Laboratory
- All India Soil and Land Use Survey
- Atomic Mineral Division
- Remote Sensing Laboratories of various Universities Companies engaged in GIS and its application studies.
- National Bureau of Land uses planning Town and Country Planning and Soil Survey
- Public Sector Organisations which includes –
- Indian Space Research Organization
- National Remote Sensing Center
- National Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
- Forest Survey of India
- Geological Survey of India
- Survey of India
- Department of Science and Technology, etc.
Required educational qualifications.
Any Graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Remote Sensing, Geography, or Environmental Science has many chances of getting better job opportunities in the job market. Masters in GIS and Remote sensing in respective fields will get appointed as GIS/remote sensing specialists. Few colleges provide Post Graduation Diploma (PG DIPLOMA) in GIS and Remote Sensing, equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
Major skills.
Most of the job roles include technology and statistics to analyze the data. Some skills are essential to get placed in positions related to GIS and Remote sensing. Programming languages that are preferred are MATLAB, Python, IDL, C++, FORTRAN.

The entire system runs on these programs, so these are important to learn for a job. ArcGIS, MATLAB, C++ Python, R, ERDAS, Ecognition, ENVI, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, QGIS, Photoshop, GRASS, PCI Geomatica, IDRISI, MapInfo, FORTRAN are the fundamental and additional skills required to make a career in GIS and Remote Sensing Field.
Job opportunities.
Many job opportunities, around 55-57%, are offered in European countries. While 7% in the Netherland, 21% in North America, 21% USA and UK, 11% in Germany. In India, most graduates get placed in the Government sector. In contrast, both public and private sector companies place the graduates for a high apposition and a good salary package abroad.
Building a career in this field is like facing hurdles in every phase. But with a mixture of difficulties, efforts, hard work, and innovative ideas, you can succeed.
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