Push yourself towards betterment!
Staying motivated is the only thing that we’ve learned in this pandemic, right? I know how easy it is to say it and super tough to implement in our daily routine. I got your point.
We are on a rush ride for more than a year, and our bucket list has suffered a lot by hard times. We have lost loved ones, suffered to the core, and lost all of our hopes. I won’t lie, most of us are in the negative sphere and don’t know what we are going to do with our lives, as our educational degree is in the middle, facing academic pressure, there is no income stability, there is a big downfall in the job market as well, all this leading us towards mental instability and frustration.
But at the end of the day, we need motivation because you never know when things are making space for you, and you have to be well prepared for it.

First of all, take a deep breath, inhale confidence and exhale doubts. Understand that this is not a phase that lasts long. It’s temporary.
Next thing, make a routine, note down the items you want to do in the future. This will help you to follow your leads and have better mental health.
Every rejection matters, and even it’s soul-crushing. Learn to accept rejection as no one wins at everything. Try to detect the problem; ‘Why’ you got rejected? ‘Where’ are you lacking? Don’t hold up on negativity. Move on to the next opportunity with a positive attitude.
Work on small goals, do small task tailoring on your resume, add things to your CV, write a cover letter and try to be active on career leading websites and portals like LinkedIn, Naukri.com.
Set measurable goals for a week or ten days to keep a check on your productivity. Maintain a list of – new companies in the job market, which companies are offering jobs, which companies (according to your ability and qualification) are offering jobs for fresher. And don’t stick to your field. Try to apply everywhere. Add different qualifications and professional degrees to your achievement column to boost your confidence and be more impressive.
Practice for interviews. Work on your actions. Focus on your facial expressions. And it will help you more when you practice in front of the mirror.
Search smarter, not harder. Don’t waste your energy on fake vacancies and websites. Don’t pay for any work as many websites ask for some payment, report them immediately.
Be active on social media and online job searching programs and apply for work from home, part-time jobs or freelance jobs, and remote jobs. Don’t feel alone or isolated. Try to involve with new people and share each other’s experiences.
Beat the competition as we live in a competitive world, try not to hold back. Work on your presence of mind and mental health.
Take a day off, spend time with friends and family, enjoy your hobbies, watch some shows, listen to your favorite songs, and enjoy your hobbies.
Try to think positive, and things will eventually fall into place even if it takes a bit longer than anticipated. Try to be up-to-date in the job market and look around what the job market wants.
And most importantly, YOU’VE GOT THIS! Even though the job search may feel a bit endless, but you will find it.
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