The question of what the employers seek as skills among the candidates is always pertinent. In 2021 with the new normal set following the pandemic condition, these questions are significant both while creating the resume and during the recruitment process. Here, we will see what are the most important job skills as far as 2021 is concerned.
Job Skills –
Before talking about the specific job skills, it is important to know about the differences in preferences by the recruiters for soft skills and hard skills. Soft skills are mostly related to the way you work with other people. These are a broad set of transferable skills, including communication skills, emotional skills, and people skills.
Unlike soft skills, hard skills are comparatively more easy to acquire and measure. They are job-specific. These skills more easily obtained through training and education include technical, computer and language skills.
Among these, soft skills are considered to be more important. This is particularly because of the relevance of collective efforts in every job in every industry.
Important Soft Skills –

The important soft skills recruiters look for include Teamwork, Communication, Time Management, Problem-Solving, Creativity, Leadership, Organization, Emotional Intelligence, Decision-Making, Stress management. Working on improving them will increase your chance of getting hired.
Some of the skills mentioned above are dealt with in detail below.
– Communication and Interpersonal Skills.
It is the most important skill for employers. Good communication skills enable connections between the professionals, and this would result in better results. Good communication skills when appended by team-working and leadership skills will upgrade employability further.
– Emotional Intelligence
The COVID pandemic, increased use of technology, work-life balance, variable pay, etc., have made this a key skill for employment in 2021. Emotional Intelligence is concerned mostly with using and understanding emotions better.
– Problem Solving Skills
With the innovations and new products being updated every day, issues and complaints are also increasing simultaneously. In the contemporary scenario, every worker has to have the ability to solve such complaints. So naturally, this is a crucial skill a recruiter looks for these days.
– Time Management
Maximum result in minimum time is the new motto being followed by the firms. It is the investment with which maximum gains can be produced. Managing it properly using effective strategies is thus significant.
Important Hard Skills –

The employers of 2021 prefer primarily – Analytical skills, High-Level IT skills, Basic Computer Knowledge, Customer Service skills, Presentation skills, Team Management, Marketing, Project Management, Writing, and Graphic Design.
Soft skills are not the only necessary things to have higher prospects in employment. Hard skills also play a valuable role.
Let us look at some of the above-mentioned hard skills in detail.
– Analytical Skills
Analytical skills top the chart of the most influential hard skills. Data economy is precious and is worth millions. Analytical skills concern mostly with developing insights from the data.
– High-Level IT Skill and Basic Computer Knowledge
The digitalisation of the working process of everything has only increased. Remote working has become part of day-to-day employment because of the new normal following the pandemic conditions. This made computer skills more important than they had been before.
– Presentation Skills
Employers always seek higher presentation skills. You should be effective in handling Powerpoint and video presentations. Presentation skills that could appeal to the emotions of the people are acquiring more importance these days.
Thus, we have seen various important hard skills and soft skills preferred by hiring management. Soft skills are more prioritised over hard skills among the hard skills themselves, analytical skills and IT skills are given more preferences. Keeping this in mind, the candidate should try to improve themselves in these areas. Not only those seeking employment but those who have already secured employment should also focus on these areas for better career opportunities
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